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Know what pros know about color temperature

Many people think that 'color temperature' means red hues add warmth to a room, blue hues add calm or cool to a room. What Craine Painting and paint makers study laboriously is the real meaning of color temperature: How different types of lighting affect the color of the finished paint job. Most white light is not pure white, it’s usually got a bit of a tint. Remember your mom's pictures of your fifth-grade basketball team? You all looked green! That – in a pistachio nut shell – is the affect of a light's color temperature. Over the years, smart phones and smarter cameras have taken gigantic leaps in providing printed photos that actually look like what the eye saw in that moment. The eye's link to the brain automatically compensates for changing color temperatures because the brain knows those basketball players weren't little Martians. Color temp is also why some streetlamps look gold and some a harsh blue/green. Where this comes into play in your home...

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